Sunday, February 7, 2010

Goal #70: Go see a play

Goal completed: 03/02/2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Completed goals: 3
Goals in progress: 17.

Goals Completed:

#1. Write up 101 things and publish them online. You can see the full list here.
#31. Have my bra size professionally fitted. Done! Not as uncomfortable as I originally thought it would be.
#78. Get a penpal. I have two :p

Goals in progress:

#3. Blog monthly about progress (0/33).
#6. Read 50 other books (3/50) Finished The Brightest Star in the Sky (Marian Keys), The Poisionwood Bible (Barbara Kinsolver) and Nicola and the Viscount (Meg Cabot). Started Eva Luna (Isabel Allende).
#7. Watch 100 movies I have never seen (4/100). Watched Up, Sixteen Candles, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo & X Men 2.
#8. Go to 10 concerts (1/10). Saw Slow Club 19/01/2010.
#11. Attend 3 music festivals (1/3). Big Day Out 15/01/2010.
#14. Accumulate 20 books for my personal library (2/20). Eva Luna & The Brightest Star in the Sky.
#21. Learn to cook 10 recipes by heart (1/10). Spinach, feta & bacon quiche, YUM!
#23. Learn to speak Greek. Bought a teach yourself kit, will use it for 30mins three times a week.
#24. Complete a sudoku book (3/100).
#35. Buy a new bra every 6 months (1/5).
#38. Buy 3 nice eyeliners (Black, brown & colour) (1/3).
#44. Drink 1L of water a day every day for a month (5/31). Started 28/01/2010.
#64. Put all my photos and movies onto disks/external hard drive. Almost done!
#63. Organize my iTunes – delete crap playlists, name all songs etc.
#66. Start a blog, and keep it updated for one year (1/12).
#76. Create one playlist per month (1/33).
#87. Donate 100,000 grains of rice through (300/100,000).